Tuesday 18 June 2013

So what does the Deakins on Mountainview’s Environmental Farm Plan look like?

So what does the Deakins on Mountainview’s Environmental Farm Plan look like?

Our action plan addresses 5 areas of the Agricultural Policy Framework. Specifically, we have prevented livestock damage to our maple sugar bush by denying them access with the installation of electric fencing. We have introduced bird nest boxes and a birdbath to attract more native birds to our property, a measure which has attracted a nesting pair of bluebirds this year for the first time in 7 years.  Tree planting near the house has been underway for several years to provide a windbreak. We continue to test our water rigorously for the increased protection of our B & B guests.

But our commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond the parameters of the EFP mandate. Our vegetables and other crops are grown organically.  Our maple syrup products are produced in accordance with the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association’s Best Practices guidelines. Our forest is managed under the auspices of the Ontario Managed Forest program that requires us to file a plan periodically and to log our forest activities on a yearly basis.

Our most ambitious project has been the restoration of our 75-acre maple forest.  Since 2008 selective logging has opened up the forest canopy to allow for natural regeneration of sugar maples. Early results are favourable as several acres of the forest are now dotted with thriving saplings. Additionally, we have planted tracts of open forest space with zone-hardy maple whips from a local tree nursery. These mini plantations are also becoming established.  In an effort to maintain the genetic integrity of our maples we are also harvesting seedlings from our forest and growing them near the house in nursery conditions. In a few years these young trees will be reintroduced into the forest having enjoyed the advantages of water, nutrition, pruning, and a competition-free location.

 We use appropriate and humane deterrents to dissuade wildlife from damaging our maple trees. For instance, we painstakingly tie strips of Bounce fabric softener to all our young maple transplants several times per year. The scent has proven effective in protecting trees from browsing deer who particularly like to feed on dormant leaf buds in winter. This practice continues until trees have grown tall enough to be above the deer’s browse line.  Beaver and porcupine populations are kept in check in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act of Ontario.

Nor do we miss an opportunity to educate our visitors about practicing a healthy respect for our environment.  Last year we conducted 30 forest tours with our Bed and Breakfast guests alone. We also work closely with local schools to provide students with opportunities to learn about and to appreciate the wildlife and plant life that is their Ontario treasure.

We also share our wild apple orchard with the deer, a bear  - and our guests! Mary Helen makes simply the best wild apple pancakes!

Come visit us when you can  … and see and taste for yourselves.

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